Greetings 👋 name's


Junior Developer


Toon Tanks
Unreal C++ PC
Toon Tanks
Toon Tanks
Developed using Unreal Engine following a course on Udemy, this is my attempt at getting deeper into the engine to further gain more knowledge on UE5 by creating a small project touching on different subjects. This is a simple 3D Tank game where the player controls a stylized tank that can shoot projectiles at turrets placed around the map. The objectives for this project are:

- Develop a finished demo in a small amount of time (Think like a Game jam)
- Get more comfortable using UE5 and C++
- Get through all the stages of development for a demo, from pre-production, prototyping, polishing and playtesting
- Submit the work on
Unity C# PC RetroFPS
C# (Intermediate Level: use of S.O.L.I.D. software architecture principles and game design patterns)
Designer friendly focus when implementing gameplay systems
Unity Scriptable Objects, Mechanim Animation System, Unity UI system
Honours Project
Python DeepLearning SSH Software Analysis
Honours Project
Final Year (4th) Honours project

Focused on improving data pre-processing for GAN Minecraft 2D map generator.
Extensive research was first conducted on history and current state of AI as it pertains to games with a focus on Deep Learning techniques as part of the dissertation

Hard skills acquired:
- Ability to reverse-engineer large codebase (C++ Multi-Threaded renderer for Minecraft maps: Mapcrafter)
- First introduction to Python, used for color correction as part of the pre-processing pipeline
- Use of SSH protocol using PuTTY emulator to send commands to remote computer for GAN training, testing and validation
- Developed process for writing documentation/reports following disseration

Soft skills acquired:
- Organizational skills developed from undertaking of long term project
- Improved time management skills to ensure adherance to incoming by-weekly deadlines with supervisor Ruth Falconer
- Ability to illustrate hypothesis, research, development, experiment and results to a panel at the end of the project

Unity C# Android Mobile Development

- Polished working game level showcasing gameplay
- Technical Design Document, illustrating code structure and architecture
- Press Kit, trailer and marketing material following Zero Waste Scotland specs
- Presentation on project completion

  • First introduction to the C# language and its programming features
  • First introduction to the Unity engine and C# API
  • First collabolation with artists and designers in a multi-disciplinary game team
  • First time developing mobile application on Android platform using Unity build tooling system

Other Projects

Portfolio Website
Hugo Bootstrap Javascript
Portfolio Website
First version of my portfolio website, this was my first attempt at programming a fully functioning static website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the very first time. Learned about various aspects of mainly front end development and the different tools used. The experience came in really handy when working on my current portfolio website as I was quickly able to learn how to manipulate a pre-existing Hugo Theme using Bootstrap 5.0
You can visit the old website by clicking this link here
  • Learned how websited are professionally made and mantained (i.e.: static vs dynamic sites, CDN, Hosting and deploying, broswer vendor support, site responsivness…
  • Learned fundamentals of HTML CSS and JavaScript (HTML tags, CSS rules and properties, the DOM)
  • Branched out of Game development to explore new tools and high level languages

Little Bit About Me

Junior Gameplay programmer with a strong passion for learning about game development and the technologies used

Looking forward to creating new games and experiences and be part of the Industry!
Guitarist 🎸 Table Tennis Pro player 🏓 Movie and Tv Show afictionado 🎥 and obviously Gamer 🎮

Contact me 📭

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!